Kevin had already made a costume with his mother, helped his dad decorate their home, and was imagining all the candy he would collect. But one undecorated house on his street kept bothering him. He couldn’t understand why someone would skip celebrating, so he decided they might need help.
It was almost Halloween, and the whole neighborhood buzzed with excitement. Every yard seemed to be competing for the title of “spookiest on the block.”
Pumpkins with jagged smiles lined the sidewalks, plastic skeletons dangled from trees, and cottony cobwebs clung to porches.
The air smelled of dry leaves and candy, and eleven-year-old Kevin breathed it all in, his heart pounding with excitement.
Halloween was his favorite day of the year—a day when you could be anyone you wanted, and Kevin loved how the whole world seemed to transform for one magical night.
As he strolled down the sidewalk, his eyes darted from one house to the next, each one decked out with glowing jack-o’-lanterns or eerie ghosts. Kevin couldn’t help but smile.
Some houses even had spooky sound effects playing, like cackling witches or creaking doors.

But as he walked farther down the street, something caught his eye—something that didn’t fit.
One house stood dark and empty, the complete opposite of the festive homes around it. No pumpkins. No cobwebs. No skeletons.
Not even a tiny decoration. Kevin frowned as he realized whose house it was—Mrs. Kimbly’s.